The EduText technology tool provides parents/guardians a daily grade and attendance update via their cell phones. These updates will provide a live snapshot of student’s cumulative grades and attendance for that day so parents/guardians have an accurate account of their child’s academic progress. Parents/guardians can go even deeper into those details on our Parent Portal itself. The ability to provide this technology daily revolves around having an accurate and up-to-date cell phone number listed in our ATLAS Parent Portal.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to take a moment to review the website and ensure that their contact information is current and up-to-date. The portal can be found under the parent tab on our District website You can also stop into your child’s school site and ask to update your contact information on the Parent Portal. If more than one parent/guardian would like to receive the daily text message, please let your school site know and they can assist in setting that up. In the fall we will have the opportunity for families to enter multiple phone numbers.
How to sign up for EduText (English) : Atlas-Parent-Portal-Screen-Shot-English
How to sign up for EduText (Spanish): Atlas-Parent-Portal-Screen-Shot-Spanish